What’s Included
Product overview
CAUTION: Please insert the Micro SD Card according to the direction shown in thediagram. Micro SD Card might JAM if inserted incorrectly and device could bedamaged.
SD Card Port: Support micro SD card for local storage (Max 128GB).Reset button: Used to restore the camera to factory settings (Press and hold on5-8s)
CloudEdge App installation and Setup
from Google Play or from Apple Store
or Scan the following QR code
Mounting the camera
Select Height and location
Hang anranCam 7-10 ft (2-3 m) above the ground. This height maximizes thedetection range of the motion sensor of anran Cam. Avoid placing anranCamunder direct sunlight.
Make sure of the reserving wire length
Reserve 23cm of end wire, fix the bottom base, avoid wire damage when cameraturns.
Installation instruction of solar panel
- keep the installation angle of solar panels about 30-45° with the horizontalplane, as shown in the picture below.
- The installation between the solar panel and the camera is shown in thefollowing figure (open up the silicone cover at the bottom of the camera, andinsert the power cord into the USB port).
Tips for the installation of solar panel
- When installing in the northern hemisphere, face the panel to the south, andwhen installing in the southern hemisphere, face the panel to the north.
- please install the solar panel in the right position, prevent it from blocked bykinds of stuff like eaves and branches.
Test the Wifi signal at installation position
Use cell phone to test Wifi signal quality at the installation position beforeinstalling camera, make sure the Wifi router can provide good Wifi signal.
Register an account
1.Open the APP to sign up an account. Go to the login interface, and click “SignUp”.
2.Sign up with your email address, and click “Next”
3.Set up an “Nickname” and “Password” for your APP, click “Done” to complete.
Set up WiFi for the camera
Put both of your mobile phone and camera near the router, and the distanceshould be within 5 m.
Note: S02 wifi camera can only connect to 2.4 Ghz WiFi signal, Do not support5Ghz WiFi. Therefore, it only needs to connect to the WiFi signal of the family in2.4GHz frequency band for normal use.
Log in to “CloudEdge”, then tap the “+” icon in the center. Tap “Battery Camera’to add device.
Reset the device and wait for a flashing RED indicator light, then tap “Next”
Selecting the Wi-Fi the device needs to connected with (your home Wi-Fi), inputthe password and click “Next”.
Using the device to scan the QR code on the mobile phone according to theoperation the figure shows, then proceed to the next step after hearing theprompt tone.
When connecting, you should make sure your router, mobile, and camera areas close as possible When camera added successffully, click “”you couldalso DlY the camera’s name.